Finland personal loans - page 2

Finland personal loans by State


Province of Eastern Finland

83% of the population living in Province of Eastern Finland has an economic level above the national average.


57% of the population living in Pohjois-Pohjanmaa has an economic level above the national average.


46% of the population living in Oulu has an economic level above the national average.

Province of Southern Finland

56% of the population living in Province of Southern Finland has an economic level above the national average.


36% of the population living in Pirkanmaa has an economic level above the national average.


76% of the population living in Varsinais-Suomi has an economic level above the national average.

Province of Western Finland

4% of the population living in Province of Western Finland has an economic level above the national average.


71% of the population living in Uusimaa has an economic level above the national average.
❮ See top States in Finland